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Clean Space

Deletes computer garbage, cleans registry, eliminates tracks
Privacy protection, performance enhancer and registry cleaner - all in one. Our app will delete many unnecessary files located on your computer - they are wasting disk space, memory and processor resources. Temporary files, caches, cookies, autocomplete history, logs and much more - these items are real violation of your privacy. By deleting all these electronic garbage your computer will run faster.

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Deletes history, cache and protects privacy
Our software deletes temporary files, caches, cookies, Internet history, and more, thus freeing up valuable disk space. Deleting unnecessary files can be especially great for those running their systems on smaller SSDs. As a result of the software, you'll receive maximum confidentiality, so prying eyes won't be able to spy on you, record your activities, or do anything malicious.

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Secret Disk

Creates an additional password-protected secret disk
This app creates an additional disk on your computer without extra formatting. It's a special kind of disk, that can appear and disappear in your system with just one click. Access to this disk can be protected by a password which makes it very private storage for your files and folders. In case of power failure the disk locks and disappears automatically. While the disk is open you can use it as a normal disk, it supports all standard disk operations and is supported by all other apps.

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Duplicate Finder

Finds duplicate files even with one pixel difference
Finds duplicate pictures and videos. You can choose any folder on your hard drive (or use standard user folders) and our app will deeply analyze contents of selected folders for searching for any duplicates. The most amazing things is that it will take just a few seconds. Files will be compared by the MD5 hashing algorithm, which means that they will be compared by content, not by name. Then, using our convenient user interface you can view duplicates and delete those which you don't need.

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Prevent Restore

Prevents recovery of already deleted data
When you delete a file (or empty the Recycling Bin) it's just marked as deleted and disappears from the Windows Explorer. But content from deleted files still exists on the disk and can be easily recovered even after many years. Our application will erase the content from already deleted files in a few easy steps. Recovery will be impossible.

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Secure Delete

Securely erases files, makes them unrecoverable
If you want to securely erase some private file so no one can recover it - this tool will help! No need to overwrite all free disk space. While the file exists - our app knows it's location on the disk and will erase only blocks occupied by the file. All strong security standards are supported.

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Our Apps
Clean Space
Secret Disk
Duplicate Finder
Prevent Restore
Secure Delete

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444 Alaska Avenue
Suite #AXK154
Torrance, CA 90503
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